John Yearley

Playwright, TV Writer, Teacher & Private Coach

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Writing for Television and Stage

There’s something uniquely awful about bad theater, isn’t there? I mean, within ten seconds you know how terrible it’s going to be. All it takes is that one inane line, that one affected, self-conscious gesture, and you know. You know that it’s a stupid play, or horribly acted, or both, and you think to yourself: “Shit! For what eternity am I going to have to sit here?”

I mean, if it’s a bad book, you put it down. A bad tv show, you turn it off. But theater, the holy theater…Jesus Christ, it’s torture.
— from Hating Beckett by John Yearley

8 Minutes, 20 Seconds

Drama, Full-length

1 man, 1 Woman

Late one night, a small disagreement erupts into a fight that threatens to end a decade-long marriage.

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Available Now at TRWPlays

Teaching and Private Coaching

It’s very strange. But on this day, which is quite clearly the worst of my life, I find myself oddly happy. Perhaps that’s the wrong word. But as I walked home from Electra’s, I had the most extraordinary feeling. The air seemed crisper, the colors brighter. And as I walked through town, I noticed each face as it passed. I felt…

They all looked beautiful to me. So beautiful. I felt some kind of kinship with every single one of them. Do you understand?
— From Leap by John Yearley
Pictured from left to right are Tracy Hoida, Mark Lutwak, Britain Seibert, Meggy Hai-Traing, Me, Justin Weaks, Jon Kovach. Photo by Tony Arrasmith.

Pictured from left to right are Tracy Hoida, Mark Lutwak, Britain Seibert, Meggy Hai-Traing, Me, Justin Weaks, Jon Kovach. Photo by Tony Arrasmith.